Thursday, February 6, 2014

Maverick is 18 Months

Oh baby boy have you grown……

one        two


three     four


five        six


seven     eight

11782525166_67ac91d4ea_b11782681016_505ced9901_b (2)

nine        ten


eleven    twelve


18 Months


More pictures that show your crazy personality. Sitting is about the worst thing I can do to you……oh and check out that hair!


Maverick we love you! You make us feel like a complete family. You are my free-spirited child who runs around with determination and a mind so curious.


  • Eating your blankets
  • Throwing important items in the garbage including, but not limited to, the dust pan, cans of food, clothes, toys, shoes, bottles, papers, and receipts.
  • Climbing on the counter and opening cupboards.
  • Pulling everything out of the cupboards
  • Kicking, poking, and teasing Lincoln
  • Breaking anything and everything
  • Running away at stores
  • Screaming at stores if we hold you
  • Hugging strangers
  • Begging for food
  • Eating everything including anything that is not food.
  • Snuggling, giving hugs and kisses
  • Mommy, you are a true momma’s boy
  • Shooting guns and playing dead
  • Pretending things are hot
  • Playing with Lincoln


  • Being told no
  • Anytime you are upset you throw yourself on the ground face-first and cry


Maverick you constantly jabber and have conversations, but you struggle to make words. It breaks my heart watching you cry with frustration when you can’t explain to us what you want. You have started signing and it helps me know that you want something. Instead of crying in anger, you will sign “more” or “drink” “please” and now “ball.” But mainly you sign “more” for everything because you know how cute it is and we give you whatever you want.

First Words

  • Uh-oh
  • Go
  • Mommy
  • Daddy
  • Owie


You seem to have skipped the 12-18 month size. You are in 2t and growing like a weed. I think you will be bigger than Lincoln, but we will see at your doctor’s appointment next week


Maverick you are so temperamental and very emotional, but you calm down with hugs and loves. You are a roller-coaster; I never know how you will wake up in the morning. Sometimes you have a big smile, and other days you are beyond mad. You know how to work the crowd and love attention. Oh boy do you love people hugging and kissing on you. Everyone that meets you falls in love with your cheesy grin and constant hugs. You know how to make people melt with “awwwwes” and “ohhhhhhs.” Maverick we love you, we love everything from your tantrums to your chubby legs. You are my little sunshine and make every day worth living. Yes you hard and often exhausting, but what is hard also makes you so very special. Your brother Lincoln loves you, and as you get older I watch you become true friends. These last 18-months have been incredible, and I am so excited for the milestones you will accomplish in the future.

You are loved!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I love the pictures! it's really fun to see how big he is compared to that bear- way cute idea!!!