Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lincoln’s Birth Story

Tuesday April 7th,
We got to the hospital at 7:00 and checked in. At 7:30 we were put in our room. It really hit me when we walked in the room and I saw the little bed where the baby is placed after birth. The doctor came in and checked me and I was still dilated to a four. He then broke my water at 7:45. That is the weirdest sensation ever! My water ran and ran for a good hour or more. They then began to hook me up and check the baby's heart beat. While checking his heart they could hear extra beats, so they figured my heart was getting in the way so they had to screw a little monitor on his head to get an extra reading. His heart was going heart rate was like this: 210,170,65,150,200,180,70,200,65,180,etc. So they called in another doctor who did an ultra sound to make sure the baby was okay. His heart looked fine but as soon as he was born they would have to take him to get monitored and keep him under close looking. They called in two more doctors, one, a pediatrician, who also examined the ultra sound and heart monitor. Anyways, with that going on I also was in labor with consistent contractions and everything. At 10:45 I was dilated to a 4 1/2 and the contractions were hurting pretty bad so I got my epidural. It made me really dizzy while he was doing it, but as soon as he was done I felt great. The epidural is the greatest thing in the world. I felt so happy and excited to have my baby. I was completely comfortable and couldn't believe that I was actually in labor. At 11:00 they hooked me up to pitocin. They did a very small dose because I was already having strong enough contractions. An hour later they took me off of the pitocin cause it was putting too much stress on the baby. I was having plenty of contractions naturally so I didn't need pit at all, it only made the baby distressed. Every hour they continued to check me to see if I was dilating. At 5:30 they came in to check and I was dilated to a 9 with a little cervix left. About 6:35 they came back in and I was still dilated to a 9. The nurse asked if I had been taught how to push. I hadn't been so she said we could do a few practice pushes. I pushed and she said "oh my gosh there's his head, keep pushing" so I was now in real hard labor. I pushed about every minute 4 times for 10 seconds each. It was super easy and I enjoyed the entire experience. Scott held my leg and helped me push. Soon the doctors could see his hair and asked if my mom wanted to see. Scott was in the corner at this point REALLY freaked out. My mom looked and soon she was the one holding my leg and helping me push, I think she was crying the entire time. When the head was about out Scott was too interested and now was watching right over the doctor. He didn't want to hold my leg cause he was too excited about watching. Well the doctor said I was going to rip so he cut me. He also asked if I wanted to feel the babies hair so I reached down and touched the top of Lincoln's head. I was really enjoying everything. Soon Lincoln was out and they plopped him on my chest. I started crying and Scott started crying. It was the most wonderful amazing experience I have ever had. They then quickly took him over to clean him up and brought him back for me to hold him. After only 15 minutes they took him away to NICU to monitor him for the night. I got to go in after a few hours and feed him and hold him. I missed him sooo much that night.
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Oh my gosh I look horrid! My face is so swollen. They pumped me full of water.
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Lincoln was taken to the NICU, where they monitored him over the next 4 days. They let us have him in our room after the first night and just did tests the rest of the time.
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He was so alert! Wide awake and checking out the world.Lincoln in the Hospital 025 Lincoln in the Hospital 039
and then he got Jaundice….and we didn’t see him awake anymore. All he did was sleep and sleep and turn orange and get “tan” as some people say.
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I loved him sooo much! All I wanted to do was hold him all the time. We had family at our house the first week and I would take him in my room to feed him just so I could hold him.
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He was so tiny, we tried to show how little he was, but pictures don’t show. Newborns are tiny for just a few weeks and then they plump up.
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Going Home. His outfit was HUGE on him, but he looked so cute in it I didn’t care at all.

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