Monday, October 10, 2011

I Need the Internet

Yep, I do not have the internet. I do have it on my phone and that has always been good enough. Well, good enough for everything but blogging. That issue was easily solved, I do a post on my computer and then go outside and steal the internet off my neighbors. Totally wrong? I know, I know.

Well stealing was the solution until this morning. I had just finished a post on Lincoln and went outside to publish it.

Picture it:
I am wearing my pink bathrobe, no shoes, it is ridiculously cold and I am walking in the trees with my computer over my head looking for connection. After wacking limbs away and tilting my computer at the perfect angle I finally get connection! Of course at that exact moment my neighbor made his way outside. I stood there looking like an idiot for a brief second, debating over whether publishing this post was more impotant than my life, before making a mad dash back to the house. I am hoping he didn't notice.

All future posts may have to be done from my phone......or after the neighbors go to bed.


1 comment:

Nancy said...

Haha! Charles and I used to do the same thing when we first got married. We would sit in our car and watch Youtube videos or Facebook. But we think the neighbor caught on because all of a sudden one day it was password protected. Good luck!