Friday, June 22, 2012

Everybody Has A Heart

The other week, Lincoln and I were playing Transformers (his newest obsession) on the bed. While I was daydreaming, about anything but shooting people and beating robots up, Lincoln suddenly went silent, which is a very big deal in our house.

“Mom!” Lincoln shouted, his eyes bulging as he held his little fist over his chest, “Mom feel!”. He had discovered his heart.

I reached over and touched his heart and smiled.

“Feel yours” he pointed to me, “What is it?”.

“It’s just your heart,” I explained.

His eyes got really big, “Does Cohen have a heart?” he asked about his cousin.


“Does Leena have a heart,” he asked about Cohen’s mom.


“Does Jared have a heart?” he asked about Cohen’s dad.

“Everybody has a heart,” I said.

He thought this over, petrified of the thumping in his chest, “I don’t want a heart” he demanded.

Unfortunately for Lincoln, he has the biggest heart of anybody I know.IMG_8917  IMG_8848 IMG_8849 IMG_8856 IMG_8858 IMG_8871 IMG_8878 IMG_8880  IMG_8888 IMG_8902 IMG_8909


Nancy said...

What a cutie! He seems like such a fun kid!

Audrey said...

They are all such cute pics, but that top picture up there is so stinking cute of him!