Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Reward System

Before Maverick was born we started letting Lincoln stay in our bed in the middle of the night( I know terrible parenting!). Once Maverick got here, and he wanted to sleep in our bed too, it became a problem. There was not enough room for two adults, a bed hogging toddler and a newborn!

IMG_1093 Bed stealers caught in actionIMG_1109

IMG_1096 IMG_1085

We had two options

     A. Buy a bigger bed

image(click on picture for source)


B. Make our kids sleep in their own beds

We decided to make our kids sleep in their own beds. If we failed, we would buy a bigger bed and move into a one bedroom apartment(which actually would save us a lot of money and is quite tempting).

So, Lincoln and I went online and picked out pictures for his “sticker chart”. He chose nine transformers(his newest obsession) and we printed them off and cut them out. Every night he stayed in his own bed he could tape a picture on his chart the next morning. After a couple of weeks he had all the pictures on and got to pick out a new toy!

It worked better than we hoped for!

So, we started a second chart to help motivate him to clean up his toys. We went online again and I let him pick pictures out to earn another toy.

Here is his chart with the pictures he chose:










Yes, I believe my son is a boy.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Haha! Awesome! I'm going to have to try that reward system with Charlie for some things.