Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Maverick is 3 Weeks old

It has been crazy busy these past few weeks that I haven’t had a minute to blog. I honestly cannot believe how time consuming two kids are. Scott will get home from work at 3:00 and I will be in my pajamas blinking at him like an idiot because I can’t figure out where in the heck my day went! I am figuring it out and have managed to get out of the house by myself with both kids a few times, but seriously how do you mothers do it with three or four or five kids!?!

My parents, sister and her three kids came for a week and then my other sister came for a few days too, so we have been really busy. Finally things have slowed down and I was able to take Lincoln and Maverick to the movies today with some friends and scrub down the house from ceiling to floor. It feels good to living a normal mommy life again (insert sigh of relief).

Here is a quick Maverick update for week two and three(I will blog about family activities later)

2 Week Doctor’s appointment :

Weight: 7 pounds/13%

Head circumference: 13.5inch/10.83%

Length: 20.25inch/33.77%

Our little boy went from 6lbs 3oz to 7lbs in one week! That is almost a pound! I can’t believe how much this little guy eats! If he keeps this up he could be one big fat chubbers, but for now he is just skin and bones.

My Mini ScottIMG_0747 A lady in our ward that we didn’t know sewed Maverick this adorable outfit! Can you believe how sweet people can be?IMG_0752 Notice our sheet-less bed? This baby knows how to poop! Everyone warns you about little boys shooting pee when you take off the diaper, which is also a problem, but this boy shoots a whole lot of other stuff every time he feels a little air. Our laundry has tripled since he arrived. IMG_0753 IMG_0755 Always, always being held by someone.IMG_0812 IMG_0813 IMG_0829 IMG_0867  IMG_0871 First time being fed with a bottle and Lincoln got to do the honors.IMG_0903IMG_0905 IMG_0950 IMG_0951 IMG_0952

You might be wondering why this baby is always in our bed and the answer is…..this baby is always in our bed. I was really against co-sleeping with Lincoln, but I ended up missing out on a lot of cuddle time because he slept so much. I did the “Becoming Baby Wise” schedule and it worked really well. My baby NEVER cried, he smiled ALL the time, he slept without fuss and was all-around the perfect baby. I’m not even saying this because I am his mom, he really was this perfect angel baby. I was obsessed with getting him to sleep through the night and he did, by eight weeks he slept nine hours and by 12 weeks he slept 12 hours. By six months he started sleeping 14 hours a night! The trade off was missing out on snuggle time and holding him while he slept. After two months he would not sleep in my arms and if he ever did, it was the most special moments. I decided with Maverick that I would give up sleep to hold my baby all the time and there hasn’t been a moment where I think this decision is a mistake. So far it is working fine and he already sleeps 4-5hours straight at night before waking up to eat and then sleeps another 3 to eat. He takes naps in my arms and I love it. We can take him everywhere because he loves to sleep in our arms so much. This method will probably backfire, but for now I am enjoying it. It works well now because Maverick never cries. He will seriously go an entire day with nothing but a few grunts. He is still on a schedule but it is a much more flexible one. If you have questions about “Becoming Babywise” let me know. I have loads of advice :)IMG_0956 IMG_0957 IMG_0962 I love letting him sleep on my chest!  IMG_0963 He is already spoiled but I don’t even care! It is worth every minute of cuddle time.IMG_0965 Story time with my boys!IMG_0972 IMG_0974 IMG_0978

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