This last sickness came from preschool. I'm actually surprised we haven't gotten anything besides colds there. His preschool is super strict, BUT the quality of people that go there are the ones that keep their children home to prevent it from spreading. I can't say enough good things about Lincoln's preschool; he has grown in so many positive ways that he simply wouldn't have at home.
Anyways, back to sickness. Almost two weeks ago Lincoln was constantly complaining about how his head hurt. I was getting super annoyed because I was trying to get him to clean his room and help me out; he is always dying when I ask him to do something. Finally, I jokingly reached over to feel his hurt head , and shocked I said, "Holy crap! Your head is on fire!" He instantly began crying, and I instantly felt bad. The poor kid had a fever.
The fever lasted for 3 DAYS! He would fall asleep wherever his body felt: the deck, on the laundry, the floor, the couch, and the car. Whenever Lincoln gets sick, he gets whatever he wants, and he wanted pancakes every single day. So we have been eating a lot of pancakes.
A week later, Maverick got the same fever. Unlike Lincoln, he doesn't sleep his sickness away. He rolls around everywhere whining, and does lots of crying. He did fall asleep in my arms, and while standing, but other than that he only has slept at night. It was sad watching him suffer, and I'm so glad it has been the only time he has been sick (besides colds). We of course are eating pancakes through his sickness too, and today is day three.
Eating pancakes on Maverick's sick days.Hanging out in our pajamas and underwear. We built a car track all the way down the stairs.
Here is to Scott and I not getting sick!