Friday, December 4, 2015

Life is happy!

Random photos:
I haven't blogged in awhile...but life is going great! A couple of months ago I was incredibly sick, and I felt like my mind was in a fog. I had a hard time concentrating on anything, and it was difficult for me to "live" and interact in my life. I felt like all I was doing was staring at my phone. I continued working, but even my students noticed my distance. Thankfully that short "phase" is over, and I have my energy back along with my brain! It's been nice being able to
play with my family and enjoy life family and friends are probably annoyed because I've returned to never answering my phone and forgetting to check it for a couple of hours at a time!

Anyways...back to life! This past weekend was Thanksgiving, and we had one of the best weekends I've had in awhile. It was constant family time, and I literally soaked up every single moment playing games, wrestling, eating, watching movies, and eating some more! I couldn't even get myself to go Black Friday shopping on my own, and I dragged Scott and the kids along with me. I just feel like with work I have been missing out on time with them! I might have overdone the family bonding...

While I was sick, Scott pretty much took over everything, and he's been amazing ever since. I feel like I'm falling in love with him all over again...I know...cheesy! But he cleaned the house, made dinner, watched the boys, did the laundry, and even was doing the grocery shopping. I don't know how to explain it, but it made me focus on how blessed I am to have him. It's really changed things for me, and I've been trying to be a better wife in return. 

I guess I'm writing this down because I don't want to forget how I feel in this moment, and in this moment I feel blessed and gratitude for my life. 

Yesterday I was teaching after-school yoga and my students were talking about their home lives. They were sharing stories about how their moms/dads talk to them. After getting some venting out, one girl asked if I wanted anymore children. I told her I did, and her response was exactly what I needed to hear. She said, "some people shouldn't have any more children, but you, you're a good mom. I can see the way you talk to people. You're so calm and loving. You can have lots of kids because you would never treat them like a burden. You love so genuinely." In that moment, I wanted to hug her and love her and take her home with me. The fact that she thought so highly of me, reminded me that I'm incredibly hard on myself. I'll sometimes share stories of growing up, and my students will look at me and say, "I wish my mom or dad did that!" It can be a simple story about eating roast and potatoes every Sunday, and they enviously wish for that too. It's literally the small things that mean the most. 

These past few weeks I have felt so happy! And with Christmas coming up, I can't even help my excitement! My students turn on Christmas music so they can laugh and make fun of me singing. It's hilarious, and I've even gotten my Scrooges to join in and sing some of the songs with me! We cannot wait for our Christmas 2-week break, and I am counting down the days until I see my family(and my best friends)! 

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