Saturday, January 2, 2010

25 days of Christmas

Alright so here are 25 things we did throughout December. We love Christmas and make the most of every moment.

1 Decorate the house

7-8months 1247-8months 078

7-8months 087

2. Put up the Christmas tree


7-8months 098

3. Go to a Christmas tree. I had to sing a song with the Young Women and I must say we did an excellent job.

7-8months 1007-8months 0944. Decorate the tree

7-8months 1157-8months 116



5. Make snow flakes7-8months 121

7-8months 106

7-8months 123

6.  Christmas Pictures

lincoln 7-8.5 months 027

 lincoln 7-8.5 months 023 lincoln 7-8.5 months 043 lincoln 7-8.5 months 031 lincoln 7-8.5 months 046 lincoln 7-8.5 months 018


7. Write letters to Santa

lincoln 7-8.5 months 074


8. Make gingerbread houses. This was sooo much fun. My mom and sister spent all day cooking to get them ready. I bought the candy and we were ready to go. All the grandchildren got to make a house. Of course Lincoln can’t so I made it and Scott played with Lincoln.

lincoln 7-8.5 months 090 lincoln 7-8.5 months 089

lincoln 7-8.5 months 068 lincoln 7-8.5 months 067 lincoln 7-8.5 months 094


9. Shopping and picking out what we want. A little bit of dream shopping we call it.

7-8months 044 7-8months 048 7-8months 052

10. Wrap presents

lincoln 7-8.5 months 001 lincoln 7-8.5 months 008

11. Play miniature golf

lincoln 7-8.5 months 053 lincoln 7-8.5 months 056

12. Go Bowling

lincoln 7-8.5 months 140 lincoln 7-8.5 months 141 lincoln 7-8.5 months 161

13. Play on the blow up toys

lincoln 7-8.5 months 136 lincoln 7-8.5 months 174 lincoln 7-8.5 months 126 lincoln 7-8.5 months 097 lincoln 7-8.5 months 166 lincoln 7-8.5 months 164


14. Celebrate Our Anniversary. We went to a movie and out for dinner. We didn’t do a whole lot but it was fun to have a night out. We have been married a wonderful 3 years. I love Scott soooo much! and I believe he feels the same for me.


15. Hang out with the Roberts’ family

lincoln 7-8.5 months 084 lincoln 7-8.5 months 066 lincoln 7-8.5 months 059lincoln 7-8.5 months 096 lincoln 7-8.5 months 029lincoln 7-8.5 months 076

16. Play games and win prizes!

lincoln 7-8.5 months 024

17. Get an ornament for the year. I got Lincoln an ornament for his first Christmas. When I was looking this was the one Lincoln liked to chew on the most. So it became his first ever ornament.

lincoln 7-8.5 months 013


18. Open Christmas Eve Pajamas. Sad thing is, Lincoln got sick Christmas eve and threw up all over himself, Grandma, Scott, the carpet, the furniture and anything else in the way. So he got to open two Christmas Eve Pajamas!

lincoln 7-8.5 months 036

Opening Second present in the diaper!lincoln 7-8.5 months 042

19. Christmas DAY!!! YEA! I was so excited to open presents. I was even more excited to see what Lincoln was going to get. Since we spent Christmas as Great Grandma Roberts’ he got extra spoiled by his grandmas and of course us. I think my favorite present was the “Hunger Games” book series. I highly recommend it. lincoln 7-8.5 months 028 lincoln 7-8.5 months 041

This is all Lincolns pile! We could barely fit it in the car!lincoln 7-8.5 months 103 I don’t really know what was so funny, but they were laughing really 7-8.5 months 062

21. Play with toys. Lincoln got three of these things. Yes, you heard me right, three!

lincoln 7-8.5 months 080

22. Hanging out with the Jones’

All 8 grandkids (and number 9 will be here Monday) Is it just me or does Lexi look like she just might kill someone, and I am not even talking about the gun in her hand. Haha!

lincoln 7-8.5 months 151

lincoln 7-8.5 months 154

23. Christmas with the Jones’

lincoln 7-8.5 months 112 lincoln 7-8.5 months 118 lincoln 7-8.5 months 122 lincoln 7-8.5 months 101

24. Alright I am out of stuff and bored so MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Cute post! Thanks for updating!