Friday, January 8, 2010

lincoln is 9 months old

Lincoln is now 9 months old: here is his update
7 months began sitting up on own
7.5 months starts crawling
starts climbing up things
plays pass with a ball
follows you around to be held and climbs up your leg
8 months crawls perfect
climbs good up things
can get up and down furniture
8.5 months walks across furniture slowly
claps hands
tries to climb on top of things
walks to you and things if you hold his hands
9 months
can walk with toy
weighs 20lbs and is 29 in

Scott and Heather


Anonymous said...

Lincoln didn't start sitting up on his own until 7 months huh?

Jarmandashmar said...

It's so fun now that they can interact! He's getting so big. By the way, Jared and I had a lot of fun when you guys came over the other night, we need to hang out more:) P.S. Your 25 favorite things of Christmas is SOOOOO cute! I love the idea!

The Hargrave Clan said...

Oh my Lincoln is getting so big and fun! And you are such a good little mom! I LOVED getting to see you both in Rexburg, but wish it could have been a little longer. :( We will just have to make sure the next time I am there our schedules coordinate a little better! Give Lincoln and Scott a big hug from us! We love you all!

Unknown said...

I thought Lincoln could sit at 5 months. He is getting sooo big, but he is dang cute! I bet you wonder where the last year went. Just wait, it flies even faster with your second! Just enjoy every single second.

Heather Jones said...

ok he could sit up on his own at 5 months BUT he could be laying down and then sit back up again without me at 7 months.

David and Erika said...

Wow! How time flies huh? So adorable!