Sunday, May 9, 2010

Summer we love you, please stay

We keep ourselves busy here in this little state of Rexburg and take full advantage of our few short sunny days. I am just waiting and waiting for summer to come and it does…for a day. It makes me miss North Carolina where we went swimming EVERY day and went on walks EVERY night and had so much fun EVERY minute.

Lincoln @ 2 weeks. Look Sun in April!

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Mother’s Day at the pool, the pool is outside

baby lincoln 1 month 030

Is Scott really swimming in an outside pool in April? Yes, yes he is…in freakin’ North Carolina!

Lincoln in the Hospital 318

alright… is our Idaho fun


We went hiking 3 weeks in a row and then the dang weather crapped out on us. I love hiking and I need to get a nice hiking carrier, but they are just so dang expensive.

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We went to the zoo on Earth day and it was really fun. We went with my mom and sister Eleena and her son Cohen. Lincoln and Cohen loved the animals and were both so cute pointing at the monkeys.

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and bears!

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Skateboard Competition

We went to this competition and Scott and Lincoln were in heaven. It even made me want to get out my own skateboard and actually use it.

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Night Games

We have been playing night games at my parents and it is such a good workout. I never knew my dad was so stinkin’ fast. Scott is kind of a sore looser and slightly really competitive (he gets it from his mom, boy is she competitive!). Haha! but it is fun to tease him about it, but the other team (ryan and mckay) were a bunch of cheaters! Just teasing!

Anyways, this is what happens to the babies. They are a little neglected.

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Scott’s dad was in a dirt bike accident and got flown to Salt Lake, so we decided to visit him when he got to leave the hospital. We are so happy that he is doing better and pray that he will get to go home to Washington soon. Sad circumstances to visit him, but it was still so nice to see all the family.

  I also got to see my niece compete in a dance competition and she did really good! I was so proud of her. Plus it was fun to hang out with my sister Denell all day.


We went swimming and it felt like it was summer. Lincoln loved the water! At first he was too scared to get in his floaty but after a few minutes he was splashing and having a blast. He loved playing on the stairs and kept trying to stick his face under water.

lincoln 12-13months 153 lincoln 12-13months 157 He is a little trooper on these days of no naps. and I don’t believe he cried at all, thankfully.

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We get bored some days and so my brothers and Scott go out and hit golf balls in the field. lincoln 12-13months 060

To keep Lincoln happy, I put him by a bunch of sticks and they keep him entertained.

For Ryker, he finds a pile of dead grass and that keeps him entertained. Gross! haha!

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Scott’s Birthday

Unfortunately, I lost the camera for a week so the only pictures I got were with my phone :( but scott’s birthday was a blast. I made him an icecream cake and we went to the movies. Thanks to Mckay for babysitting Lincoln so we can go out on our fun dates.


We went to the park in Idaho Falls and rolled Lincoln down this hill. He thought it was a blast and was laughing really hard. I just love him so much!

Happy Mother’s Day!

It was an awesome mother’s day. Full of family and fun. I got a world’s gym pass! I will post pictures of it later.. I am done for now.

1 comment:

Jarmandashmar said...

Heather I really love you, thanks so much for your posts because I'm so excited for summer too! Thanks for your last post too, it makes me put myself in check and try to think about all the happiest times in my life. Even before I got married, the happiest times were when we were just hanging out, not when we spent lots of money and did expensive things, it was making movies and playing with shaving cream. And now, it's still making memories. Going on bike rides and making cookies. Thanks again girl, love you lots.