Wednesday, May 19, 2010


It is official…summer is really here! We have had some fun in the sun this last week. A little sunburned but nothing to complain about.

A very long update……

Ball Heaven

Lincoln climbed in here, he was in heaven. When I took him out he threw a tantrum. Lincoln 13-14months 002

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Cohen’s Birthday

Birthday boy!

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The Cake! It was super cute! I totally want to do a farm party for Lincoln now.

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Lincoln loves jumping with us and even tries to jump himself.

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Garage Sell:

I had a garage sell with my good friend Maria Thorpe. We started around 7:30 and by 1:30pm, I had 360 dollars stuffed in my wallet. What did I sell? My clothes! You wouldn’t believe how many people tried on my clothes and those Mexicans really know how to work the system! Seriously, that super cute outfit in picture one, I sold for $5. I don’t even know how that happened.I made a little over $150 off my clothes and was sad to say goodbye to a few outfits.

Just a few outfits: (I couldn’t find a lot so there are some pregnant ones in there and some ugly ones of me :)

DSC01392 Lincoln in the Hospital 121prego 045DSC01389pregp 295pregp 395 But, on the other hand it felt really good to watch girls try on my clothes, who probably couldn’t afford to buy them new, and their faces lit up. I could tell they were happy to find cute clothes at a garage sell, and I was happy to sell them. I actually got a phone call from a girl today who wanted to come buy some more. Haha!  and of course I didn’t sell them all.  I still have a full closet, and I added a few more today.

Camping at the Ranch House

My brother called us up on Saturday and asked if we wanted to go to the ranch. I of course said yes and packed our stuff up quickly.When we got there we decided to ride our bikes to Willow Creek. I rode Scott’s trick bike and it was way hard. We basically were riding through sagebrush and uphill the entire way there.

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This is what happened to me…I am not ashamed to admit that I flagged down my dad for a ride. I was tired!

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Just above Willow Creek. I think it is beautiful!

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Willow Creek. This is my dad’s favorite place at the Ranch. It really is an amazing view.

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Lincoln of course was loving every minute of it.

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Rock chuck hunting. Jared got 3 and Kolby had fun shooting his BB gun at anything that moved.

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In the cabin

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Fire! Roasting a yummy s’more. Karie brought a variety of candy bars to use instead of boring Hershey chocolate and Mr. Goodbar was my favorite. I recommend trying it out.

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Lincoln loved every minute of it. No naps and late bedtime and he was still hyper.

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The next day we went on an early bike ride before it got too hot and hoping to get Lincoln to take a small nap

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It worked! well for like 10 minutes

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Scott went on another bike ride with the boys, so me and Lincoln threw rocks off the bridge. He would laugh every time the rock hit the water.

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This bridge was a little safer and I could let him run around it without holding on to him.

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By noon the next day Lincoln was done and the no naps thing was no longer sufficed by playing outside, so we left at 1:00 and took really long naps when we got home. Then we woke up and went to bed. Lincoln slept from 7:15pm-9:30am the next day…he was tired

        Lincoln 13-14months 099Overall it was way fun camping indoors and extremely tiring. I don’t think we could do this every weekend, but maybe once a month!     

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