Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Am Still a Mormon Mom

I do not know how to operate a sewing machine

My food storage is what happens to be in the cupboards.

Crafts hate me.

I don't understand why people "can" their own food when it is already canned at the store.

If I am asked to bring dinner to the "sick" or "elderly", you better have the ranch to go with the pizza delivery.

Even if I knew how to use a coupon, I still wouldn't use it.

When people ask me for my cookie recipe I tell them it's in the refrigerated section of Wal-Mart.

Growing my own food is about as likely as me growing out my hair.

All and all, I am not your stereo-typical mormom mom.

I use to feel like a crappy mormon when I started comparing myself to all the superstar women in my church. I use to wonder many times if there was something wrong with me. Why do I hate all these things that I am naturally suppose to enjoy? Does that make me an awful mormon? Am I less womanly because I want to work a job and can't sew?

Of course not! I am who I am! I love Christ, the gospel, my family and most importantly I love frozen pizza.

No matter my lack of skills I am still a mormon mom, and dang proud of it.


Nancy said...

For a lot of those things I feel the exact same way. But you are awesome just the way you are!

Maria said...

Yes, I am lacking on many of those areas also! But I know I do want and continue to learn some of those skills. Not so that I can fit into the perfect Mormon Mom stereotype but because I want to learn to be more self sufficient. I want to grow a garden because the Prophet counseled us to. It might be pretty whimpy but I am learning and trying. I asked a friend how to can of veggies and fruits from our garden not so I could brag about it but so i could save money through the winter (and they taste better). Anyways, it is sad when we as women especially, are critical of one another. I also think we all too easily compare ourselves to others. If we are trying and always learning I think we can be proud of ourselves. Thank goodness we are all so different and unique or things would get pretty boring :) You're awesome Heather! Don't forget it!