Tuesday, July 12, 2011

When You Realize Your Child is Average

Why must parent’s constantly brag about how smart their child is? I understand being proud, but sometimes it gets….. well it gets annoying.

You know what I am talking about. You get a bunch of moms and dads together and it turns into the “One Upper Game.”

Conversation Example:

“My two-year old knows all his colors”

“Oh my son knows his colors too, and he can count to 20”

“My son just turned two and he can speak sentences and carry on adult conversations”

“Well my daughter can read”

and then they look over at me and things get a little uncomfortable because my son can’t do ANY of those things.

He can’t count. He says colors, but they are never right. His vocabulary usually involves words no one else can understand. He hides the books when I try to read to him, and the longest sentence he says is, “Oh no, I farted mama.”

Then I realize something, something that all parent’s struggle or refuse to grasp. My son is average. Yep I said it. He is just your typical, average two-year-old.

My response to all those parents; at least my child can do this:

IMG_5249_edited-1“What exactly is that Heather?”

Who cares! My son can do it! For your information it is sliding WHILE lifting your shirt up and believe me, that takes mad skills.

The truth is, how could I honestly expect more from my son when he comes from completely average me?



Nancy said...

I totally agree! I almost dread getting together with some parents because it is the constant one-up game. Both of my kids are small built, average learning, and I feel like I'm doing something wrong when I run into those "bragging parents" whose child can do 100 "cooler" things than my kids can. But really my kids are healthy, normal, and average. And most importantly I love them!

Sorry about ranting like that, I had a bad experience with this exact topic and wanted to smack someone.

The Hargrave Clan said...

I have always told Bennett that average is all he should strive for. Mediocre rocks. :)

Nate and Chelsea Peck said...

:) I wish blogger had a "like" button.

Nate and Chelsea Peck said...

Also, I just remembered what I was going to say yesterday when I posted that comment...lol..nate and I always laugh at those "my baby can read" commercials....it's like why would i want my baby to read?! I'm pretty sure that they will read eventually...when they are like 6 or 7 or 8...however old they are when they start reading.

Lindsay said...

LOVE IT!!! I get stressed out sometimes, worrying about Levi. Thanks for putting things back into the correct perspective!