Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Not Really Potty Training

I haven't really tried potty training Lincoln yet, since the last catastrophe a year ago, but I have hinted and tested him here and there. After a few months of bribes, I have come to the conclusion:

Lincoln thinks he can outsmart potty training.

Exhibit A:
My sister is potty training her little boy Cohen. She gives him a treat if he goes potty and then she gives Lincoln one so he doesn't feel left out. Lincoln figured out how you get treats pretty quick. He isn't dumb.

He began telling Cohen to go potty whenever he was wanting a treat.

Exhibit B:
When he is at home, he understands that if he goes potty he gets a treat.

"I want a treat!" he says and he runs to the toilet, takes off his pants and sits on the seat. He then pushes his peepee down and makes some very realistic sound effects, "Ssssssssssss,". Next he hops off, grabs tissue to put in the toilet and flushes it.
"I did it!" he shouts and then holds out his hand for a treat.

And I give him a treat because he is downright brilliant!

If I wasn't changing diapers still, I would be fooled.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Haha! Oh that's hillarious! What a little smartie! Good luck!