Sunday, December 4, 2011

All about Lincoln

All About Lincoln

When trying to feed Lincoln broccli he told me, "no more trees mom".

The other day he came crying to me that his paintbrush had "boogers on it" and spent twenty minutes scrubbing it in the sink. It was just paint.

Has claimed my bed as his. I told him to get in his own bed, so he pointed to my bed and said, "this my bed, you sleep in that room" and pointed to his room.

He turns teenager on me and shouts, "Get out of my room!" when he needs privacy.

When he is sad he says, "I wanna go to mommy's house" and is very specific about which house.

He carries a puppy with him everywhere and named it, "kitty".

He has been sick lately and whenever he doesn't want to do something he points to his forhead and says, "I sick". He knows he can get away with anything if he plays the sick card.

He was playing in my makeup and put on my bronzer and said, "Mommy, I tan and cute". I almost died laughing. How does he know the word "tan"?

I was getting Lincoln ready for church and said, "Don't you want to go to church?".
He looked and me and began crying, "I don't want Jesus".

We were sleeping in my bed and I heard noises that scared me. I was sitting up and he woke up and said, "mommy okay?" I told him I was scared. He said "Not scary. Mommy here". Made me realize I have to be brave for him and suddenly I wasn't scared anymore.

That's all! Just wanted to remember how cute my lil boy is!


Lisa and Randy said...

Lincoln you are too cute!! We aren't around you guys enough to see a lot of Lincoln's personality so I love reading cute stuff like this!!

Katie said...

So fun. Little kids do say the cutest things. :)

Maria said...

Awww, he is the cutest.

oh and I'm glad my kid isn't the only one that doesn't like going to church...haha