- Chewing on everything, especially blankets
- Lincoln is his favorite
- Getting tickled, tossed, and wrestled
- Smiling and talking to everyone
- Real food
- Getting his diaper changed
- Bath time
- Being on the floor
- Rolling all over the place
- Swimming on the ground
- Takes three naps and sleeps 12 hours at night.
- 3-6 Month clothes
- Size 3 diapers
- A few 6-9 Month clothes
Started scooting the day he turned 5 months. He is still learning but he gets on his knees, smashing his face into the ground and crawls his back legs. He already gets into our DVDs and pulls them out. He gets stuck constantly and runs into things because he is still too young to be moving. It is so weird because Lincoln didn’t scoot until he was 7 months. He still does a lot of swimming and doesn’t move at all though.
Maverick absolutely LOVES Lincoln and is always smiling and laughing at him. He never was that interested until this past month and now he wants to be big and lay down by Lincoln while he plays or watches a movie.
Maverick sleeps in his crib and never fusses for naps at all anymore and is just about the perfect sleeper. He is so happy when ever I go and get him.
He finally has started to somewhat like his bumbo
He gets so excited when he gets to do this trick! It makes him so excited that sometimes he can’t stand up at all.
This baby is a mad swimmer. I swear if I kicked and swung my arms as much as him, I would have rock hard abs.
Check out that drool! It is SO gross!
I wake him up from naps sometimes when he sleeps too long. You can tell by his face that he is thrilled by this.
I already started him eating solids. I know it is way too early, but he is extremely interested and ready. Whenever we eat he starts crying if we don’t feed him too and when we feed him he gets so excited he dives his face into the spoon. We cannot get food in him fast enough. So far he has loved applesauce, bananas, carrots and green beans.
Maverick has become a completely different baby this past month. He has always been really happy but wanted to be held and was usually fussy from about 5:30-7:30. We usually had to walk around with him or get out of the house. Now he fusses because he wants to be down on the floor playing. His fussy time has almost completely disappeared and he is always smiling and laughing. At church every week I have at least five different people come up and say, “He is just the happiest baby I have ever seen” and then they tell us how cute he is.
A couple of weeks ago Mav started doing the “triangle sit” where he basically balanced on his arms. He now can sit for a good five to ten minutes but his weight is still supported on his arms.
Maverick is such a fun, goofy baby. He has so much personality for a little baby and makes us laugh every day. He is constantly wiggling, rolling and trying to get stuff. I can’t get over how freaking adorable he is. Man he is a little stud!