Monday, April 30, 2012

A Nee Job

This week we are moving.....again. Thankfully only an hour away instead of twelve hours like last time. This move feels different, I am full of so many emotions but most of them are good. Scott got a job. Not just any job, a really, really good job with Boeing. He will be in the engineering department doing some fancy job that does who knows what. The point is, Scott got a job! We feel more than blessed and I haven't seen Scott miss a day of reading his scriptures or praying in his attempt to show God we are thankful. But we are more than thankful! A couple of months ago if you asked me how things were going I would shrug my shoulders, avoid all details and pretend we were okay. But we weren't. Scott lost his job last October and moved to Washington hoping to start a small business or get a better job. I followed in February, dragging my feet. The small savings we had kept us a float along with unemployment, which is up this month. At some point I broke down. I didn't know how we were going to survive. I will skip all the details but know when Scott got an offer from Boeing we knew it was God answering our constant prayers. We are blessed.
Life is finally starting! It is exciting to take on this adventure together. Neither of us know the area and I am happy that we get to learn it together. I am happy to finally have a plan and know what we are doing for the next twenty or so years. We will probably be here the rest of our lives and that part is a little hard. My kids won't know my parents very well, except the few trips we make there, and that is never fun for a mom. I won't complain, but it does make me sad that my parents will miss birthdays, holidays, blessings and celebrations. We are still really close to Scott's parents and even though we won't see them more than once a month, it will be nice to have family close by whenever we need them. It is weird how I thought I would be so homesick living away from my family, and although I miss them, it made me realize Scott and Lincoln are my home. I LOVE that the four of us get to take on the world and experience life together.

We went apartment shopping and it was terrifying! Everett is 54th in crime out of U.S. cities. At one apartment the lady actually told us to not live there with kids and when I showed her my list of apartments we were looking at, she crossed them ALL off but one. So we are hoping we get that "one". It is really expensive(like 3 times as expensive as our first apartment in Idaho and way more than our mortgage) but we rather live where it is safe than get shot. It is a beautiful area and we will be living right by the ocean! There is every store I could dream of and a mall about two miles away. Behind the apartment complex and on the sides is trails and trees, but I will be too scared to go in there alone! It will be a huge adjustment for us both to be living in a big city but I know we can do it......with the help of our GPS.


Nancy said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations! My brother actually works at Boeing and he loves it. No idea what he does but something that sounds cool. I hope Scott loves it too. Good luck finding a place to live! I totally understand living far away from parents. My parents live 10 hours away in Eastern Washington and so we don't see them a ton but it all works out. Good luck with the move and settling in, I'm sure that GPS will come in handy. So jealous of all the cool stores you'll be close to in the Seattle area!!

Bryan and Adrienne said...

When we lived in Washington, we literally lived across the street from the Boeing facility!! It's definitely on the sketchy side, but we didn't have any problems. Downtown Everett is much safer, and you could even look in Lynnwood where it's super nice (and the mall is fab!). But the area is gorgeous! Good luck with everything!! =] --Adrienne

Erika said...

So exciting Heather! And scary...I know when we moved to NC i had the same feelings you are having. But, now that our time here is almost over, I am really going to miss it here! You will make friends and they will become your family. And you will surprise yourself with your ability to be just fine living so far away. In fact, we almost chose to stay here, and I am still having very mixed emotions about moving closer to home. Good luck...I know you guys will do great and love it there in no time!

Full Time Mom said...

Heather! I'm so happy for you guys! I need to call you. Hope you have found a place and are happier than ever! Love you to pieces!

Full Time Mom said...

Heather! I'm so happy for you guys! I need to call you. Hope you have found a place and are happier than ever! Love you to pieces!