Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Picture overload

  I promise we do get out of the house and have fun, but sometimes I don’t feel like blogging about every single activity we. So, here are some pictures of a few things we have done in the last couple of months. Just to prove that we occasionally have fun.

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This is Lincoln’s second time fishing but the first time he actually held the pole and was conscious of what was going on.

He didn’t catch a dang thing!IMG_8955 IMG_8943 IMG_8953 IMG_8954 Swimming

Lincoln loves having a pool and has become quite the little swimmer. It’s great getting in the pool and not having to constantly be holding or worrying about him. We swim around and he follows us and does his own thing. IMG_9230IMG_9233IMG_9248 IMG_9234 IMG_9238 IMG_9245

Planting his first flower

Lincoln got some flower seeds in nursery so we dug up some dirt and planted them. They died because I forgot about them completely….no surprise there.IMG_8998 IMG_8991 IMG_8993 IMG_8994

Seattle: We spent an evening in Seattle. IMG_9249    IMG_9255

Camping: Lincoln LOVED camping, but it is not something I would recommend doing at almost nine months pregnant. We went to the city campout so it was right in a park and very safe. In fact it was locked down and guarded by police…..that’s how “safe” our city is.IMG_9265  IMG_9267 IMG_9266IMG_9268IMG_9271IMG_9272IMG_9276IMG_9281     IMG_9283 IMG_9287

Petting Farm: Lincoln was concerned the entire time about all the animals that didn’t have mommies. IMG_9297IMG_9298IMG_9300

We tried to get him to pet the goats, but he is like me, animals are great when they’re behind a fence.IMG_9289 This is the face he pulled when we told him to touch the goats.IMG_9290

“I’m not touching them!”IMG_9292 IMG_9293 IMG_9294  IMG_9296

Splash Park:IMG_9435 IMG_9429 IMG_9431 IMG_9432

Jetty Island: We went to this Island on Saturday and it was a blast! We rode a ferry over and camped out on the beach. The sand was perfect but it was super windy, so we built a fort out of drift wood.IMG_9448 Gathering wood for our fortIMG_9459

Building our fort:IMG_9452IMG_9466  IMG_9461

Inside our fortIMG_9482 IMG_9474 Pretending this stick is a gunIMG_9471  IMG_9476 IMG_9479

I am 38 weeks here and very swollen, so don’t look too closely at my thighs!IMG_9470

 IMG_9484 IMG_9487  IMG_9500IMG_9516 IMG_9512 IMG_9514