Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Maverick’s First Doctor’s Appointment

5 day appointment:

Weight: 6lbs 3oz- 9%

Height: 19.69inch-37%

Head Circumference: 12.99inch-7.34%

A very healthy boy!

At Maverick’s appointment I explained to Lincoln that the nurse was going to poke his foot. Lincoln was mad right off the start when I told him this, so when she entered the room, he welcomed her with a big scowl and his arms crossed.

Nurse: Oh how are you?

Lincoln glares

Nurse: Are you a big brother now?

Lincoln glares

Nurse: Alright…….

Nurse pokes Mavericks foot and Lincoln’s mouth drops in horror and he covers his mouth with both hands. He gives me the look, “mom did you see what she did?!?”.

Maverick continues sucking on his binky like nothing happened.

Lincoln is full of rage.

Nurse smiles at Lincoln: That went well!

Lincoln: I want you to blow up!

Nurse stares in shock.

Lincoln begins pointing at random objects in the room: I want that to blow up and that and that and that. I want this room to blow up!

Nurse hands Lincoln three stickers to offer some comfort.

Lincoln throws the stickers at her.

Nurse gives me the look, “good luck with psycho child” and leaves.

And although I am slightly embarrassed that my son told a stranger he wanted her to blow up, I am also proud that he is already protective of his little brother.

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Other Pictures from the week:

Lincoln’s response to Maverick has been better than we anticipated. He LOVES Maverick! He wants him everywhere we go and is constantly touching his hands and feet. It is those little gentle touches that mean the most to me.IMG_0349 IMG_0358 

Maverick has been the perfect baby so far. He never cries unless I let him go too long without eating, but he usually grunts a lot if he is getting hungry, tired or uncomfortable. IMG_0365 IMG_0375   IMG_0383 IMG_0386 IMG_0388 

The newborn stage is my favorite stage because newborns are so sweet and perfect. This child NEVER gets set down, even at night, because I don’t want to miss a moment of his sweetness. IMG_0450 IMG_0449IMG_0454 IMG_0003 IMG_0004

Needed to get in the carrier too!IMG_0009

First bath!IMG_0017 IMG_0026 IMG_0030 IMG_0032 Had to take a bath in the rubber duck too!IMG_0035 IMG_0038 Getting his vitamin D onIMG_0049 IMG_0051 Loves the swingIMG_0156

So tiny!IMG_9993 


Has to bring Maverick everywhereIMG_9968 IMG_9970 IMG_9971IMG_9985 IMG_9986

And here is my Lincoln……….look alike or not?Lincoln in the Hospital 003

Lincoln in the Hospital 281

I cannot express how blessed I feel. These past 12 days I have been overwhelmed with love and reminded of what life is really about. I love my boys SO much! Living in the moment is my life right now.

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