Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Month of Halloween!

This month has been my favorite Halloween month of all time. Now that Lincoln wants to “make stuff” and understands costumes and trick or treating, we enjoyed every moment of it. It was also Maverick’s very first Halloween and his very first holiday, so we were all very excited!

I felt like a kid again! Man, I love having little boys to bring out the child in me!

We went to Idaho for two weeks, so we got to do some our crafts there. My dad gave my mom jell-o molds for her birthday and I pretty much used them for everything but jell-o, of course.

Crayon Shapes

We made Halloween-shaped crayons by melting different colors of crayons in the molds. This was probably everyone’s favorite craft and was so easy for everyone to participate!

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Halloween Fudge

We also made some peanut-butter fudge shaped creatures. Whenever I make fudge, Lincoln asks me to pretend to be a witch so I act like a weirdo for about five minutes saying, “Mwahahahahaha! I am making wicked-witch stew and boiling toad’s feet and bats in my Halloween brew! Mwahahahahaha!” and he stares at me in awe with this big smile and I wish I could lock that moment in time forever.IMG_2011

He looks so thrilled in this picture, lolIMG_2012 IMG_2014

Home-made Straw Maze!

Nothing is more halloweeny than a straw maze, EXCEPT  a home-made one. One part they(my nieces and nephews) made you climb through a tire and I was the only one dumb enough to actually DO it. I got hay all down my pants and then my butt itched the rest of the night….it was awesome.

IMG_1892 IMG_1861 IMG_1865 I thought it was so clever and cute. Even the little ones got involved and carried small handfuls of hay.IMG_1875 IMG_1876 IMG_1881 IMG_1884 IMG_1890

Pumpkin Garland

I don’t have a ton of Halloween decorations and we are on a tight budget lately, so I made a pumpkin garland out of paper. It was cute and cheap and fun for Lincoln to help me with.



Of course we made tissue-paper ghosts! Lincoln pulled these around by the strings for at least two hours and once they were hung, he sword fought them!IMG_2174

Painting Pumpkins

Grandma Roberts gave Lincoln and Maverick each a tiny pumpkin, so we painted them. Lincoln’s paint was so thick it took a good two days to dry!IMG_2176

Melty beads!

Lincoln always asks to “make stuff” and this is my go-to when I am plain out of ideas.IMG_2177 IMG_2182 IMG_2185


This was Scott, Lincoln, and Maverick’s first corn maze. The moment we got in, Lincoln began whining for water and food and that he was sure to die from walking too much. Of course as soon as we started walking to the car he cried, “We’re coming back? Right mom?”. Yeah right!

IMG_1833 IMG_1793 IMG_1794 IMG_1796 IMG_1803 This was a pumpkin launcher that shot pumpkins clear across fields. It was fun to watch.IMG_1808

Wagon Ride

The wagon ride is always my favorite. It requires no work. I get to sit in the shade and rest my feet, awwwesome.IMG_1813 IMG_1814 IMG_1816 IMG_1821 IMG_1826 IMG_1829

Green Hair!

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Carving pumpkins

The moment we bought these pumpkins, Lincoln wouldn’t stop asking to carve them. He was so excited to help out and be right by my side carving “our pumpkin”.   IMG_2025 IMG_2026 IMG_2027  IMG_2029 IMG_2031 IMG_2035 IMG_2056IMG_2041 


When I woke up in the morning, I woke up with


It took me by surprise. I hadn’t been this excited for Halloween since probably fourth grade! I almost jumped out of bed and woke Lincoln up, but then I remembered he needed his sleep more than to be told that Halloween is here.

We started the day out by going to the Lego store for two packages of Lego magnets and some pretzels.

He wanted to play on the toys, so I took off his costume and so his hair is a wreck, but he went nuts and was running around jumping off stuff and doing tricks all over the place. IMG_2066 IMG_2068 IMG_2069

Then at four we went back to the mall to go trick or treating. It was perfect for how hard it was raining outside and fun to see all the kids in different costumes. Scott LOVED how all the lil boys stared at him in awe. I am not a fan of crowds, so I was excited to leave there and go knock on some doors the traditional way. Thankfully, the rain completely disappeared the moment we started knocking on the doors. Perfect weather!

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Almost every few minutes someone would “eww and awwe” at the matching monsters. They were the cutest matching pair in the mall full of thousands of people. We got our costumes at Old Navy and I must say that Old Navy costumes are built the right way, all thick, fluffy, cute and durable.

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We went trick or treating at a neighborhood right by our apartment complex and it was SO MUCH FUN! The rain had completely stopped and there was no wind or cold air. The neighborhood gave out the best candy, even full-size candy bars. We are going back there NEXT YEAR! IMG_2090

In this picture I said, “make a funny face” so Lincoln smiled and Scott made a funny face hidden under his mask. Basically I look like the only idiot.IMG_2092 IMG_2095 Lincoln used his Easter basket to trick or treat with and he used it last year too. For how much I paid for that dang thing, I plan on wearing it out! Haha!IMG_2098 IMG_2099 Maverick fell over in this picture and Lincoln started laughing so hard at him, that he fell over too. It is probably my favorite picture taken on Halloween.IMG_2101 IMG_2107 IMG_2113

Well here is to another many years of Halloween with my boys!

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