Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Elf on the Shelf: Magic Christmas Seeds

It seems like every family these days has an elf on the shelf. Some families even have one for each of their kids! Everyone had one, BUT ME! I must admit, I began to feel a little left out and possibly a smidge jealous, “Where the crap is our freakin’ elf?!” I thought.

I immediately wrote Santa and requested our own. We got something even better! Instead of the slightly-creepy elf everyone else has, we got a soft one that Lincoln is allowed to hold. His name is Ralphy.  Lincoln gets to sleep with him and in the night he flies back to tell Santa about all the good choices Lincoln made that day. When he gets back home, he leaves a treat in Lincoln’s shoe(left at the bottom of his bed) to let him know how good he was that day. This special elf focuses on good behavior and did not come with a book, which allows him to use a little more imagination! You can find your own elf on the shelf here.

Last night he left Lincoln a bucket of sugar, a bag of marshmallows and a bag of “Magic Christmas Seeds”!

IMG_2504 These were the instructions on how to plant the seeds:

These seeds may seem silly and so very small, but covered with sugar they will begin to grow tall. Press and wiggle the seeds down to the bottom firmly, until in the sugar the red is buried. Then pour on top the bag of marshmallow fun. Dump them all out, every single one. In dark they grow and in the morning you rise to find no more seeds but a delicious surprise.

IMG_2512IMG_2528  I don’t even know what “magic Christmas seeds” are, but I am so, so excited about what they will grow into! Hopefully something tasty!


Nate and Chelsea Peck said...

So cute! I love it! I agree, I totally think the other elf is creepy. When someone asks me why i don't have one, I tell them because we are going to be the only family that doesn't get murdered by a creepy elf. hahaha.

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com