Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hiking and a lil’ bit of Lincoln

I have really been wanting to get into hiking this summer and don’t know what child carriers work best. I have looked online and they range in price of $100-$300. If you have one let me know the positives and negatives of it and what you wish you had or didn’t have. 


Scott and I went on a small hike up “R” mountain. I love, love hiking and since we had Lincoln we haven’t gone much. We left around 2:45 and started up the mountain. Lincoln was due for a nap, but as soon as we stepped outside he was happy! We used our old baby carrier that is a little too small, but it worked for this short 2 mile hike.

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Lincoln would get really excited and start jumping up and down and laughing.

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Just the three of us!

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When we got to the top it was pretty windy so we down a little to have our lunch.

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When we got back to the car Lincoln sat there smiling at us for half the ride.

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and then he was out. When we got home he took a 3 hour nap.. he was so tired, he almost slept through a diaper change. I love how mobile babies are. You can take them to do whatever you want and when you get back they sleep better than ever!

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Now that Lincoln is better we have been playing outside a lot. It still is pretty cold so we only go out a few hours a day.


Lincoln took 4 steps at 11 months and a few here and there but he still hasn’t walked much. He is starting to walk back and forth from Scott and I and is actually showing an interest. Maybe he will walk good when his grandma Roberts comes to visit.

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I put Lincoln’s crackers outside so he wouldn’t make a mess but he kept bringing them inside and would eat them right in front of the door. So, I put three out there and he grabbed one in each hand and one in his mouth and crawled back inside. Basically, my wood floor don’t stand a chance. I literally sweep like 5 times a day.

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Oh my baby is so messy…

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1 comment:

David and Erika said...

Always the happy baby! Did you take those pics yourself? They look great!