Thursday, March 25, 2010

It’s a Lincoln Thing

As a parent of 11 months, I have come to the devastating realization that my child is a lot like other children. Babies smile, laugh, cry, crawl, sit up, walk, stand, jump, make messes, poop, and are all just plain weird. Lincoln laughing and smiling makes him the happiest baby in the world, but the painful truth is babies are happy.

   BUT in defense of my child having some unique qualities, that he most likely shares with a million other children, this post is the things Lincoln does that I call “A Lincoln Thing”.

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This picture may seem cute, but please look at his right leg. You will notice a diaper hanging out of his pants. I was holding him and noticed he was wet. I sat him down and he immediately began scratching his diaper. He is in fact scratching it in this picture, it is a Lincoln Thing.

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Lincoln is taking a bath with his cousins Crew and Cohen. Like good normal babies they are splashing and sitting and playing in the tub. Not Lincoln, he is trying to stand up, and then he will jump backwards and splash. Very stressful for mom who is terrified he is going to drowned himself, but yet again a Lincoln Thing.

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Every morning I get ready and Lincoln has to sit up with me on the counter. I put him in the sink to keep him from crawling and he turns on the water and for the remainder of me getting ready, he relaxes in the sink with running water. Another Lincoln Thing.

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Lincoln crawled over to his dad and peed on his leg. Haha! Alright, most babies pee on their dads, but Lincoln crawled over to do it. I hope that video works. It never has before.

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Lincoln is sick ALL of the time, and  I really wish this wasn’t a Lincoln thing. He literally gets some virus every month for at least 2 weeks. He had RSV, double ear infections, 105 degree fever, vomit and diarrhea in this picture. And of course it wouldn’t be Lincoln if he would only stop crying if we put him outside. Yes, I put my deathly ill child OUTSIDE and you would too if you couldn’t get your child to stop crying.

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Lincoln loves socks, and this is his favorite pair. He usually carries them around in his mouth. I finally threw them away cause I found out they weren’t Scott’s and so he was chewing on some stranger’s socks….gross!

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When Lincoln is mad, I mean really mad, he lays on the ground and cries. He also look like the kid from “Christmas Story” so that is pretty cool too.

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Alright he is my Lincoln and that is what makes him so special.

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