Saturday, January 22, 2011

Scariest Moment of My Life

I have debated whether I should post about this experience because it scared me that much! After 4 months, I figure it is time to tell my story.

Written in September………………….

I work nights and so every afternoon I take a nap at the same time as Lincoln. The night before I decided to park my car in the garage. Around one in the afternoon I put Lincoln down and crawled into the warm blankets of my bed. I instantly fell asleep.

       A little less than 2 hours passed, and I heard the front door open and I woke up a little confused. The house filled with the voices of what sounded like three men. My first thought was “Brenner must have come over for lunch and brought some of his friends” (Brenner is my roommate we kicked out) and then I heard the Mexican begin speaking and my heart began beating a little faster “does Brenner have a Mexican friend?”.  I grabbed the blankets tighter around me. I was laying on my side with my back to my bedroom door and I listened closer to the voices.  One was speaking Spanish and they would laugh a little here or there. I didn’t recognize the voices and I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

      My bedroom is at the end of the hall and today it was the only door open and the light was left on. I kept telling myself that it had to be Brenner getting lunch with his friends. I heard their feet walking around my kitchen comfortably opening cupboards and as I so very badly wanted to believe, just making lunch.

      After five minutes one began walking down the hall and as my heart began beating wildly I pinched my eyes shut pretending to be asleep. The feet echoed loudly across the wood floors and then softened as they hit the carpet to my bedroom.

    “Someone is in my bedroom!” my thoughts screamed. My head was buzzing and I tried to breath naturally and remain calm as I felt this imposter lean against the side of my bed and bend over my body to view my face. The pressure of his body against mine caused my stomach to whirl and loop with nausea. I thought about Lincoln sleeping quietly in his bedroom just feet away. I wondered if I should scare these dudes away, but instead I was frozen. I literally couldn’t move.The seconds felt like hours and I kept myself from tears by insisting that it was Brenner seeing if I was asleep. After looking at my face, his steps became almost silent as he backed out of my room quietly. My throat tightened with fear making it almost impossible to breath. The voices in the kitchen stopped suddenly and I listened as they all left in complete silence.

            Now I am sure you are all predicting what my next moves were.

Did I jump out of the bed and grab my son? no.

Did I run to the window and get a look at their car or faces? no.

Well, did I at least call the police? nope.

I laid in my bed scared out of my mind! My thoughts were a complete mess. It took ten miserable minutes for me to calm down enough to text Brenner. My hands were shaking so bad that I kept hitting the wrong buttons. Soon I sent a text asking Brenner if he had been in my house. When his reply was “no” my stomach dropped and I started thinking the entire situation through. My conclusion was simple; I was crazy and dreamed the entire thing.

    Well, that was until I got out of bed and found dirty fresh footprints covering my entire floor. I woke up Lincoln and held him close to me. Guilt and shame coursed through me as I thought about how I had left Lincoln in his bedroom when strangers were in the house.

     I locked the doors and called Scott. He calmed me down and told me he was sure they were drunk and stumbled into the wrong house.  I think he thought I was being over dramatic. And, well, everyone that knows me knows that I am a drama queen. I didn’t want to over react.

So, I called my mom who began freaking out! of course. If you think I am dramatic you probably should meet my mom or my dad. After getting off the phone with her hysterical worries,  I decided I was going to do nothing about it, except freak out, and instead I began sweeping my floors and cleaning the house. After all, they hadn’t taken anything.

      41 minutes passed and a knock came at the door. I know you’re all thinking it was the Mexicans coming back, but this time it was the police, it was the Madison County Sheriff. My dramatic mom called the police.

“I received a phone call that you have had a break in?” He asked in a very serious voice.

“I wouldn’t call it a break in, it was more like a walk in,” I said uneasily.

He gave me this look like he thought I was loopier than a bowl full of fruit loops. We played “A million Questions” and I kept telling him, “I think they just walked in the wrong house! As soon as they saw me they left!”

Well that answer was not satisfactory! He called in the detective. The next 3 hours my house was dusted, fingerprinted, rearranged and photographed. At one point an officer was doing a sideways handstand while holding a camera and a flashlight. I was in shock at the maneuvers it took to get a good picture of a shoe print. Lincoln was cooperative during the entire process. He even threw a ball down the hall, putting the evidence in jeopardy.

After what seemed like forever, we found my medicine cupboard had been attacked and a bottle of Codine had been stolen. It will be greatly missed *sigh*. After they left my house, they informed me that my house would be watched and to report any strange things.

    I’m not sure how I feel about the whole situation. I ask myself everyday what I should have done differently?

1. Should I have scared them away?

2. Was it smart to pretend to be asleep?

3. What kind of mom doesn’t put up a fight?

4. Why could I not move?

5. Will they come back for more?

6. Have they been watching my house? Is that why they came in because my car was in the garage so they thought I wasn’t home?

7. Am I crazy?

definitely very scary!


walkerbunch said...

That is so scary. Amazing what people will do for drugs.

Nancy said...

That's so crazy! I would be super paranoid too after experiencing that. I'm glad nothing worse happened.

Annica said...

I think you were right to pretend to be asleep. The guy coming up to your face makes me think that. He obviously knew that you were there and was probably going to try and hurt or threaten you had he known you were awake. That is so scary. That's one thing I love about having a huge dog!

Maria said...

I am so glad you were ok Heather. I think that why it is important to stay close to the spirit! Maybe it was the right thing for you to do pretend to be asleep. Sometimes in scary moments we don't think we just do what our instincts tell us. I def think you should have called the police as soon as it happened. I don't think you would have been dramatic by doing that. With stuff like that better safe then sorry I say! I bet they live around the area a assumed you werent home with the car in the garage. Just keep your doors locked and I think you'll be fine.

Katie said...

So so scary! I'm so glad you and Lincoln are safe though. Even though it's hard, try not to keep replaying it in your mind. You did the right thing, you and your baby are safe and the Lord is watching over you.

(I feel like you told me this story before, but I don't remember the last time I saw you... maybe your sister or mom told me. hmm)