Thursday, March 10, 2011

“Water for Elephants” Movie

I LOVE books!

I LOVE movies!

I HATE when they make a movie out of my favorite book and ruin it!


Yes, I am basically throwing a tantrum right now!

One of my favorite books ever is getting made into a movie and I am beyond angry! “Water for Elephants,” and I am terrified the movie is going to slaughter it! Not everyone has read this book, unlike freaking “Twilight” that has been read by every teenage, boy crazy, hormonal and unstable girl. Ruin THAT book, not this one. Oh wait you already ruined that book, huh.

Oh and it gets worse! Yes WORSE!

Remember how horrible the “Twilight” movies are? Remember that Robert Pattinson is the star of the movie? Remember how he can’t act and has zero personality?

He is going to be the lead role in this one too!


I want to die! ok, ok, I am being a little dramatic, but still I don’t want my favorite book to be ruined by “that guy”.

Thankfully Reese Witherspoon is going to be starring in it with him so I am kind of excited for that. So for all those who have never heard of the book and plan on watching the movie….. read the book first! It is amazing!

I’ll admit, there are the movies that I like better than the books, “Lord of the Rings”, “Chronicles of Narnia”, “The Notebook” to name a few. There are also the books I have read and I am excited they made movies out of them like “Harry Potter” and “Series of Unfortunate Events”.

and of course I am going to go see “Water for Elephants” in the theatre and I am hoping that it turns out to be the BEST MOVIE EVER!  I really don’t want this book to be ruined so I am crossing my fingers that the producers can pull it off!

Does anyone else feel the same about books getting made into movies?


Nancy said...

I agree that a lot of times the movies ruin the books. Especially Twilight ugh! When I first saw Robert Pattinson in Harry Potter I though he was cute but then Twilight came out and he couldn't act and was NOT cute at all!Don't get me started on the Bella chick!! I hope he doesn't ruin this movie for you, I watched the trailer and it looks like it could be good but I haven't read the book. I'll have to, it looks like a good story.

Mel Brown said...

Really, I would be happy if they didn't stay true to this book because if they did, it would have to be "R" It was pretty graffic, so we will have to see what happens.