Friday, August 19, 2011

10 Things Lincoln Learned This Week

1. If you don’t want to do something play dumb.

Me: Lincoln clean up your toys

Lincoln: What?

Me: Lincoln clean up your toys.

Lincoln: What?

Me: I said clean your trucks up child.

Lincoln: What?

2. Everything sounds better with the words “green” and “funny” in front of it.

Lincoln yesterday: I want my funny, green trailer!

Lincoln this morning: I want funny, green socks.

Lincoln last night: Where funny, green jamies go?

3. Mommy is nicer without makeup.

As I was getting ready Lincoln began screaming, “No pretty mommy! I don’t like pretty mommy!”.

4. Some books can be colored in.

Lincoln saw me marking my scriptures and started getting mad, “No mommy! No color book!”.

I tried to explain to him it is okay to color a little in the scriptures. Later I found him coloring my scriptures with crayons.

5. Always say goodbye to everything every time you leave anywhere.

As we left the nature park, “Bye-bye trees, bye-bye rock, bye-bye birdy, bye-bye ducks.”

Every time we leave the house, “Bye-bye house, bye-bye truck, bye-bye toys.”

6. Apologize before you do something bad.

“Sorry mommy,” he said before jumping on my stomach.

“Sorry mommy,” he said before turning off the lights on me.

“Sorry car,” he said before chucking it across the room.

7. “Happy” is a fun word.

I am always asking Lincoln if he is happy. I guess I am a little over-concerned about his happiness. Now he walks around the house saying, “HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY!”

8. “Bésame” means “kiss me”

Me: Bésame boca.

Lincoln: No boca!

Me: Come on bésame.

Lincoln, leaning in for kiss: okay, bésame mommy.

9. Life is better naked.

While attempting to put on Lincoln’s diaper he would grab it and run and hide it and come back laughing. After 5 diapers disappearing I gave up.

Me: I give up! You are stuck naked.

Lincoln running around screaming: Happy! Happy! Happy!

10. Pretend to be hurt and mom won’t make you sleep.

Lincoln has begun waking up screaming, “Owie! Owie! Owie!” I of course freak out and get him out of bed. Then I am worried he is starving to death so I make him food in the middle of the night.

Here are a few pictures of my Lincoln!

ducks 6

ducks 3

ducks 2

ducks 1

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Haha! Kids are so funny! I like your fun fact fridays!