Monday, August 22, 2011

The Dollar Challenge: Hairy Armpits

WARNING: If hairy armpits gross you out STOP here.

The dollar challenge began when a co-worker told me he would give me a dollar if I ate my manager’s box of Cheez-its. Now there is something to be known about me; food is my weakness and I can never turn down a challenge. I ate that box of Cheez-its in less than 30 minutes.

That is when the dollar became MINE and I issued a challenge to someone else. The dollar continues to go around and around and the challenge is written on it.

Soon Katie got the dollar and she challenged me to not shave my armpits for the 3 weeks she would be gone on vacation.

        Challenge Accepted!

It was a long three weeks and when I say “long” I am referring to my armpit hair. I started wearing long sleeve shirts to work and “high fives” became “low fives” in my attempt to hide the secret under my arms.

Katie came back to Idaho bringing along her waxing kit. I don’t know who was happier to see her, me or everyone who has had to witness my hairy armpits.

The damage three weeks of not shaving can do to a person:

armpits 1

Katie getting ready. She might look all sweet and innocent, but believe me, she is heartless!

armpits 2

Waxing! I have always thought that I had a high tolerance for pain. Turns out I was wrong. Worst pain EVER! I would prefer having my wisdom teeth removed again or perhaps having a baby naturally. Heck, maybe both at the same time.

armpits 3

After: Look how red my armpits are! They hurt for like 2 days.

armpits 4

So, I know a few of you are thinking, “Will Heather ever wax her armpits again?”

I wish I could answer with a simple “yes” or “no” but really all depends on if there is a dollar involved.

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