Sunday, July 5, 2015

Another Perfect 4th of July

Once again we celebrated another perfect 4th of July. This is Lincoln's favorite holiday, and well, I freaking love it too! I have a lot of pictures, so I'll keep my talking short and sweet for the people that don't like reading (you know who you are). 

We woke up and got ready for the parade. My baby boy refused to wear anything but boots, so I grabbed some sandals and threw him in the car. Here he is showing off his boots.

While we were driving Maverick started crying that he was the only one that didn't have sunglasses(whoops!) so Scott found some protective glasses and put them on him. He had no idea they were clear and don't work! 

We have gone to the Everett Parade every year since we have lived here, so this was our 4th time! We rode the bus, and we got to sit in the awesome middle seats that move(the bus is basically two busses stuck together).

Then we sat with a group of my friends and their families: Candace, Leslie, and katie. It was fun to see them and watch our kids play together. 

Scott is an incredible dad! I know I say that a lot, but it really is the reason I love him so much.
When we got home, we relaxed until Grandma and Papa Roberts showed up for our BBQ and fireworks. When they got here, we immediately started blowing stuff up in cans and buckets. 
We have this giant heap of rocks in our driveway, and we used it to hold bamboo sticks. Finally the rocks served a purpose! Scott and Bill were making this tinfoil ball shoot 50 ft into the air.
The rocks were also a great place for the kids to play...
Then it was time to eat! My friend Kara came with her family, and then we invited our neighbors Tyler, Samantha, and their daughter Evelyn over. It was totally last-minute, but I LOVE having people over! 
So when Kara was buying fireworks, she asked me what to get, and I said, "Snakes! They're so cool and kids love them!" She then asked the lady for 12 boxes of snakes in which the lady gave her a really confused look. When we began lighting them, Kara almost kicked me, "These are the snakes?!? You wanted me to buy these?!?" She thinks they are the dumbest things ever! I was laughing so hard I was almost crying, but thankfully her daughter said they were her favorite I win!
We had a ridiculous amount of sparklers. I'm talking over 100, so I made every single person do at least two. Man, it was hard to get some of the adults to do it!
Kara and her family!
I told Kara to take a selfie with me, and she wasn't showing her teeth! So I yelled at her to show some teeth, and she goes, "I don't want to look like those white people that smile so cheesy." Then she looks over at her husband and they both start cracking up because apparently I'm one of those "white people."

Then she brings out this delicious chicken that is incredibly spicy, and as Scott is eating it through tears, she says, "I don't know how to cook white people food!"

In case you were wondering, she's white! 
After destroying two buckets, Scott and Ali decided to blow up food...first on the hit list, a hot dog.
It definitely exploded, and a piece of meat hit my shirt. Gross!
When it got dark, we pulled out the big fireworks! Holy crap! My whole chest could feel the explosives. 
We shot around 24 of these babies into the air, and by the end, I was ready for bed! 
This was definitely an unforgettable fourth, and I am already looking forward to next year! I feel so blessed that I got to celebrate it with my amazing friends and family. When I laid in bed that night, I was so overwhelmed with thankfulness that I got a little teary-eyed. Why am I so dang lucky? Seriously! My life is very, very good right now. 

Scott's parents spent the night, and the next morning we woke up bright and early to go to church. Scott is incredible, and even though we had a late night, he woke up at 5:30 to head to church for bishopric meetings. Going to church was a great way to end our holiday celebrations, and now I'm going to bed!

Sorry! once again, I talked more than I planned!

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