Wednesday, January 14, 2009

27 weeks pregnant!

I am done with my second trimester! So far being pregnant has been easy and actually kind of fun. I love feeling Lincoln kick and watching my stomach move all over the place whenever he is awake and doing his daily exercises. Scott and I have been spending the last few weeks laying down and watching my belly move because Lincoln has become quite hyperactive lately, haha. Someone asked me if being pregnant was hard and my initial response was to say it was the easiest thing I have ever done, but then I started thinking about it. Being pregnant is the most stressful thing in my life and is probably a small tap into what having children actually feels like. Every time he stops moving I freak out and start poking my belly in an attempt to get him to move. I have consistent nightmares of loosing him and am terrified of him not making it. I just want him out so I can hold him in my arms and know that he is going to be okay.

1 comment:

The Hargrave Clan said...

Heather you look so cute! I know how you feel about the moving and the panic thing. The other night I had a horrible nightmare that I was carrying our baby in a purse made out of an umbellical chord and then it popped and he wasn't going to make it! I woke up crying! :) I guess that is pretty normal though!