Wednesday, January 21, 2009

28 Weeks! (6 1/2 months or 7 months?, you decide)

Alright, so there has been quite the debate with how long someone is actually pregnant. Honestly it is all really confusing, but after asking my doctor and looking online, I think I have figured it out. Some people say that you are pregnant 10 months, makes sense cause you are pregnant 40 weeks. However, there are not exactly 4 weeks in a month and that is why pregnancy is so confusing. Others say you are exactly pregnant nine months and so every month on the 14th, it should be a new month for me. This would be perfectly true if there was no February month. So, the doctor says you start from the day pregnancy starts, July 7th for me. So, every month on the seventh it starts another month. I will actually be pregnant nine months and one week. If February had not fallen in my pregnancy I would be pregnant exactly nine months. Wow! Really confusing and if someone has better advice feel free to share. So, after giving you all the statistics please tell me what I am. Am I 6 1/2months or 7 months pregnant? Personally I would rather be 6 1/2 cause that means I have 2 1/2 months left rather than three. Oh, and you might notice that I wear the same clothes a lot, and yes I do. I don't have pregnant clothes yet and the one pair of pregnant pants I have fall off. I can still button up my pants and the style of clothing lets my belly have plenty of room, so I see no point in buying pregnancy clothes.

1 comment:

walkerbunch said...

I'm so jealous that you don't wear pregnancy clothes yet! I'm like 10-11 weeks behind you, and I was out of my normal clothes a while ago.