Thursday, February 26, 2009

Painting my toes

Scott painted my toes the other day and I thought it was so cute. He really has been pretty great through this entire pregnancy. Whenever I need anything he helps and never complains. So, I convinced him to paint my toes and he did a pretty amazing job. At one point he was using two hands to hold the the brush and it made me laugh really hard which made him frustrated cause I was "messing up his beautiful work."

I don't have a picture of my belly this week, I never got around to taking one. I have felt really good, but I have been having some pretty severe contractions. The other night I had them so bad it made me throw up and kept me up half the night. I asked Scott to give me a blessing because I had to work at eight in the morning the next day and I really didn't know if I could do it on such little sleep. But, all was well when morning came around and work was actually really good. I tried to call my doctor to ask about contractions but I was put on hold for ten minutes and then they connected me to the nurses office where an answering machine picked up. I was pretty annoyed but I figure the contractions have stopped so I guess I don't have to worry.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

32 weeks pregnant

The other day Scott and I went swimming with our really good friends Nate and Chelsea. It was a lot of fun and we will probably go a couple of more times before they have their baby (she's due in two weeks). The pool water was a little cold so Nate and Scott went and rolled in the snow so the water would feel warmer. It was pretty entertaining to watch.

Scott and I cleared the snow and ice off of our tramp so we could jump on it. We got some pretty cool pictures. My favorite pictures are of Scott flying off into the snow. It was so much fun it made me laugh the entire time.

As for being 32 weeks pregnant, it is about the same all except for the fact that I can't walk right now. I am not exaggerating I literally cannot walk more than a couple of feet before I fall down. It's my own fault and I can't complain. Last night I played basketball with the young men and a few of my young women after mutual. I wasn't on Scott's team both games and we wasted his team! I scored half the points but I cannot dribble the ball and run at the same time. I screamed most of the game but the boys were all really nice. Anyways, I played a little too hard and now I can't walk cause my pubic bone feels like it is splitting in half. I had to call in work with the lame excuse that I can't walk. I am going to try and work the night shift and try walking some more. So, I have learned from this that I can swim, run and jump on a tramp, but as for basketball it is officially off limits for the next four months.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentines Day (a little late)

We celebrated Valentines Day on Sunday because Scott was gone to Nevada on Saturday. We both decided we wouldn't spend any money, but it made it much more fun. I gave Scott a bag of 119 hearts and each heart had a different reason why I love him. Most of them were funny and he liked my present a lot! Scott made me dinner for Valentines Day, which is always really nice. After dinner we made sugar cookies and frosted them. They tasted really, really good and Scott doesn't eat too many sweets so I threw them all away to keep from eating them all. It was an awesome Valentines Day. We have spent three together as a married couple and the next one we will get to share it with our little boy!

Monday, February 9, 2009

31 Weeks pregnant

I am finally down to the single digits! You will now only see nine more pictures of my weekly pregnant belly and then he will be here. I went to the doctor today and everything is going perfect. I thought I had been carrying low this entire time, but they could hardly find the top of my uterus because it is so far up in my ribs, only a couple of inches from my sternum. This would explain why I have acid reflux every night:( Lincoln's head is down and ready to come, and I officially weigh as much as Scott, well two more pounds and I will. I feel great, like my body is figuring out how to make me as comfortable as possible. My hips and back hurt a lot less than they did a month ago which is always a plus. I feel huge, I keep forgetting I am pregnant and then I look in the mirror and there my gigantic belly is staring back at me, haha!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Stroller and 30 weeks pregnant!

Scott's parents gave us a stroller for Christmas and it finally arrived! Scott spent an hour playing with it and pretending to put baby in and out. It is the perfect stroller for me. Not only is it a jogging stroller, but it is easy to put up and down and is my favorite colors. Also, it is a travel system so we have the carseat too.
I can't believe that I am 30 weeks pregnant. It is weird to think that I only have about two months left and it is starting to freak me out a bit. I feel really good, in fact I feel better than I did two weeks ago. I thought that working was going to kill me, but I have actually adjusted well and really enjoy it. Yea, it is hard to work 7-8 hours straight with no breaks, but honestly I hate sitting at home doing nothing. I am not the type of person that enjoys sitting on the couch day after day eating and complaining about being pregnant. I feel like work makes the day go by much faster and keeps me positive because I am actually accomplishing something, but believe me I will be very happy to be a stay at home mom!


I had my first craving ever!! Scott had a basketball game and we sat and watched the game before he played. While we watched, I noticed a little girl eating a push-up pop sucker. Wow!! I wanted one sooo bad. Well, then I had to sit an entire hour watching Scott and wanting that dumb push-up pop. After the game, I demanded that Scott take me to the store and get me one. We searched all the candy aisles and couldn't find one. Finally we found one and a baby bottle pop!! I was so excited!