Sunday, February 13, 2011

Today I am Thankful

      Today I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! Over the last few months I have been trying to change my attitude towards church. Lincoln hates nursery and his constant crying and complaining puts a damper on going (any suggestions?). After Sacrament I usually just want to go home than deal with his embarrassing tantrums.

       Today was different. These last few weeks I have stressed myself out over a million different little things and as soon as I entered the church I felt an overwhelming feeling of relief. All the concerns and trials I was having didn’t mean anything in this safe haven.

       I know that I am far from perfect and I have definitely made my mistakes but what a blessing that we have the atonement! That I can be forgiven and continue my life on the path to return to my Father in Heaven. I am so thankful for Christ’s sacrifice and for his example and love. Elder Andersen spoke in conference about the Lords loving arms, “They are described in multiple ways,as open, extended, stretched out, and encircling. They are described as mighty and holy, arms of mercy, arms of safety and arms of love.” Our Savior is reaching out to us and today I felt his loving and safe arms wrapped around me.

        Half-way through Sacrament Lincoln grabbed his jacket and mine and said, “bye byes”. I ended up spending the rest of Sacrament in the Relief Society room with my brother’s family, but I didn’t mind I was just happy to be there. I was happy to be in a building where it is so easy to feel the spirit and I left feeling incredibly blessed!

       When I got home I thought about all the people that have had an impact on me and have inspired me to become better. My family, of course, is pretty freaking amazing, from my small little family to my extended. Scott is an awesome dad and basically Lincoln’s best friend. My parents are such great examples and my siblings are so loving and supportive. One thing for certain is to never mess with the Jones’ because we can be quite feisty! and I am incredibly thankful for my friends and their strong testimonies, you know who you are!

      Alright I am done! I just feel so happy and blessed that I had to share!


Maria said...

Thanks for that! Needed to hear it. Sometimes I am so overwhelmed with kids in church that I forget how much there is to learn and why we are really there! Hopefully, I can do better :)

The Hargrave Clan said...

You are amazing, Heather. Trust me, I know that there is little to no point in going to church with an almost two-year-old, but what you said is true. It's more the feeling you get when you're there that matters, and the fact that you keep coming back and letting that feeling happen is what's important. My best advice for Lincoln is "Let him cry." I know it's super hard, but both as a past nursery leader and a mom I have seen it work miracles. Lincoln will have a ball once he learns that you are always going to come back to get him. Keep up the god blog posts, I love them and I love you!!!

The Hargrave Clan said...

Well, I meant to say the "goOd" blog posts, but in this case the thing I wrote actually worked... :)