Thursday, February 10, 2011

Random Lincoln things

     We having gone sledding a couple of times this Winter and Lincoln LOVED it! Every time we reached the bottom he would sign “more” and so we’d walk to the top and go again.


He was so excited! Once we sat in the tube he would say, “ready set GO!”. It was definitely a work out.


He also loves to make messes. Scott doesn’t understand why I let him do whatever he wants, but for 15 minutes of happiness I don’t care if he dumps water on my floors.IMG_3040

I figure they needed cleaned anyways



Mr. Independent

Wow! I sure created a monster. Anyone that knows me at all knows that I love clothes! Especially baby clothes. Nothing is more fun than dressing Lincoln up. He usually ends up wearing clothes that are too big because I am not patient enough to wait for him to grow out of anything.

    Anyways, every morning I dress Lincoln, shoes and all, before we do anything. He got use to this and now I cannot even remove him from his bed before I dress him and he will throw tantrums if he doesn’t have shoes on.

    Now, he has to choose his clothes. He can even name them all; pants, shirt, jacket, socks and shoes. He chooses and I try to help him match it right.

    He got attached to these black shoes. Which was fine except when he wore brown. One day I hid them and let him choose a different pair hoping he would go for the brown ones. He found these sandals instead *sigh* I should have put them away 6 months ago.


He loves clothes so much that he even hauls them around in his truck. I think it’s adorable. Scott finds it disturbing.


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