Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Feel SO Boring!

Life has been crazy lately. We go places, try new things and constantly are having fun, but when I get ready to blog, I feel SO boring.

It’s not that I am bored with life. No, it is definitely not that. In fact, I am probably happier than I have been in a really long time.

but WHO wants to read about that!? Nah, people like to read the juicy stuff or at least something that will make them laugh, right?

Many times I open up blogger and stare at it.

Should I blog about our hike?

              No, that doesn’t sound fun.

Should I blog about how perfect my life is?

             Uh, yeah, no one wants to hear about how I THINK my life is perfect.

Then I realize that it’s not necessarily me that’s boring. It is my writing. I read my posts and they are so blah! They are full of pictures and excitement but my words don’t bring those moments to life.

I stalk read a few blogs and I literally hang on to every single word about how they gave their baby a bath and dressed them for bed, and I finish thinking, “WOW! That is one exciting life. I wish my life was that fun”. And then I go give my baby a bath and dress him for bed......

In simpler words:

My writing stinks!

I really don’t know why I am even writing a boring blog post on how boring I am, but I am. Maybe it is some self intervention.

I vow to write better.

But in all seriousness, I love writing. It has always been a way to let my feelings out and express myself. I want to DO something with my writing and when I get in a funk, it is really frustrating. Any ideas on how to get the brain flowing to help out my writer’s block? It’s something that I always want to improve on and hopefully one day use it.

(As a side note: Lincoln is laying in our bed right now, past his bed time, and will not stop talking. Scott told him he needs to stop talking so he can sleep. Lincoln says, “Daddy, daddy, daddy, I am really sorry, I am really sorry daddy. Daddy I am sorry”. Scott asks him why he is sorry, probably hoping he will stop apologizing, and Lincoln says, “I am sorry for talking” and continues to talk.)

Tomorrow I have a post prepared and it will not be very exciting. I am apologizing in advance, BUT all grandmas will enjoy it because it is full of pictures of little baby Maverick. He is two months old tomorrow and that just makes me plain happy!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Haha, this post made me laugh because I totally feel the same way sometimes! I post blogs about life and feel like it sounds so blah. Then like you said will be totally enthralled with someone's random story about how they made breakfast. Good luck spicing up your writing, when I get in a funk (which I'm currently in) I like to try to make a dull life moment into something funny. I don't know though because sometimes when I think something is absolutely hillarious no one else seems to get it, haha. Oh, well, I mainly post to keep a family journal anyway. Good luck!