Thursday, July 18, 2013

Prayers and Family Home Evening

Today Lincoln told me a story while playing with his toys:

“Once upon a time there was a garbage man. Then Optimus Prime came and told him to build a ferry. Then all the animals and spiders got on the ferry and the rain came and no one died. THE END!”

Can you guess what story I told Lincoln?

Noah’s ark.

I made the mistake of using his toys to tell the story and I guess his couldn’t quite understand that God was not in fact Optimus Prime…..

Every Sunday, we ask him what he learned in church and he usually whines, “Stop asking me that!” We figured he was the kid crawling through his chair anyway and chances were that he wasn’t actually learning anything. Then over the past six months, whenever he prays he lets slip what he learned. Without fail every prayer starts with, “Thanks that we live on Earth” and he usually goes on to tell us something he learned the Sunday before.

It always makes Scott and I smile because we are awful about teaching Lincoln about the scriptures. In fact he called any kind of instruction manual “Scriptures” for over a year due to our lack of……ummmm…..reading them.

We are working on being better about that, but we are thankful that his teachers are leading him in the right direction.


Now I know some people only look at my blog for the pictures, so for you, here are a bunch of random pictures from the last week or two.

Here is one of Lincoln’s his best friends Kristie. She comes over to play and swim every Tuesday after we go to a summer movie. IMG_5156IMG_5160IMG_5167IMG_5172IMG_5173

Every day Lincoln asks “What are we gonna make today?” We make something every single day.


On Mondays and Thursdays we walk to the library for story time and always take a stop to see our ducks. We fed them one day and Lincoln thought it was awesome!


Well that is all the pictures for now!


The Hargrave Clan said...

You are such a great mom. I love that you make something every day with your kids. They are always going to remember that...even if they don't know that Optimums Prime isn't God :)

The Hargrave Clan said...

OPTIMUS Prime. Geez, and I call myself the mother of boys?!

Lindsay said...

Boys are funny and this age is really fun. Seriously we only do scriptures because they are short videos. You can watch them online here:

or order the DVD here:

or buy the picture books (which we also have but still use the videos.. lazy)