Saturday, July 13, 2013

You Are My Sunshine Birthday Party

After Lincoln’s Super Hero Birthday Party I was still completely exhausted and decided to go simple for Mavericks. I wasn’t even sure what I was doing until a couple of days before. Lincoln was so excited for Maverick’s birthday party that it motivated me to try just a little.


Although Maverick destroys everything in his path and usually has a scowl on his face, he still makes me happy when skies are grey. And grey skies are common in Seattle!

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I made cake balls for everyone else, since Mavo would have his own cake. IMG_5376

His sun cake. It kind of looks like a turkey right?IMG_5378IMG_5379

Presents! If you know me at all, you know that I always buy too many toys for my kids, and then if you know me even more you know I have daily fits over cleaning up all the toys I buy. So this year Scott forced me to cut back on my over-spending and Maverick got three presents from us: a set of wood trucks, a puzzle and a kite. IMG_5390

Wearing his birthday present from grandma Jones.IMG_5398

The plan was small toys and few toys, so we can fit them in our tiny apartment. Then grandma Roberts showed up! She brought seven presents with her and most of them were big! Lincoln was soooooo excited that we basically had to hold him back from tearing open all the presents himself!

IMG_5406IMG_5407He did so well at tearing off the paper. “Mom you really are gonna let me destroy this? BEST. DAY. EVER.”IMG_5414IMG_5419

Loved the stuffed animal from his aunty Nicole!IMG_5423

There was no doubt in our minds that Monster Mav would demolish his cake. First thing he did before touching it was lean forward and take a taste.IMG_5434IMG_5442IMG_5444IMG_5457IMG_5466IMG_5468IMG_5470

He ate half the cake and then began throwing the rest everywhere. We moved him from the dining room to the kitchen and since it was his birthday, we let him throw it everywhere.IMG_5485IMG_5488IMG_5490IMG_5497

“Here Lincoln, you can have this metal part that actually isn’t cake”IMG_5500

Happy Birthday Monster Mav! You really are my ray of sunshine!

1 comment:

The Hargrave Clan said...

This is so cute! I can't believe he is already one! What a CUTIE!!