Sunday, July 7, 2013

Too Fast for the Camera

Lincoln is really into racing lately and being “1000 speed”. Whenever we go for walks, he usually brings a toy gun with him and shoots wildly at everything while screaming, “Hurry mom! The bad guys are coming!”. He typically doesn’t want to ride in the stroller but jog ahead of me instead.  He can run for a fairly long time and even did a half-mile without stopping! I love when he gets in these moods because when he isn’t racing us, he is whining about how his legs are broken and they no longer know how to go fast-speed.  The other day I attempted to take pictures of him and Mav. Unsuccessful, I showed him a blurry picture and told him to slow down because he was too fast for the camera. His eyes got huge and he was beyond excited. His super-1000-speed made it impossible to get a normal picture of him.


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