Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blog Comments

Just because I don't comment on your blog doesnt mean I don't read it.

I love to read my friends and families blogs, but the problem is that fancy wordproof thing they put on before I comment.

I can never get it right! I swear sometimes I put it in three or four times before I completely give up. It has gotten to the point whenever I see that stupid word verification, I start having anxiety. I must be overthinking it, because everyone seems to be commenting. Haley yours is the worst! I write big ol' long comments and then it deletes it.
What's the point of it anyways?
Is it to prevent drunk people from writing stupid stuff? I don't drink!

Whenever someone is around I ask them to read it for me so I can put it in right. My bank has one too and it is a nightmare. I must be blind. Stupid contacts, stupid eyes, stupid blogger.

Anyways, I just wanted ya'll to know I love you and commenting is a skill I haven't quite mastered. And the whole point of this post is to say I commented on like 10 people's blogs today and only 2 went through and I am really annoyed about it. So, here is a giant comment to ya'll:

Glad Matt is home. Looks like you had fun in school. Congrats on the baby. Your cat is cute. California looks awesome. Love baby blessings. Samantha is a little smarty. I hate coffee too, but the smell is to die for.

I hope that covered everyone,
Love Heather


Nicole said...

bahaha! You are so funny! Thanks for the comment :) I had no idea my blog had one of those comment things!! Annoying! I will be changing it! Oh! And I think it is actually to prevent spammers from commenting. Most spammers have some sort of automated system that goes and leaves comments like "check out this site!(insert weird site here)" or "Get the body you want!" etc etc. Anyway, an actual person has to type in the code because it is a picture rather than text! I hate those things too though, they are obnoxious!

Nancy said...

Haha! I agree with Nicole, I'm pretty sure it prevents spammers from commenting but honestly it takes two seconds to delete their comment if they do comment. I'll be changing mine, my sister actually just had this same complaint to me. She tried to comment like 4 times and it wouldn't work.