Monday, September 19, 2011

Life Can Change in a Week

Last week my mom went to the doctor and they found a tumor in her uterus. The doctor told her she had a 50/50 chance of having cancer. Cancer, how I hate that word. The next day she went into surgery to have the mass removed and to get tests for cancer. The surgery went really well. I even got to spoon feed her some yogurt, I kept telling Lincoln grandma was a “baby”.

Maybe it is my childish tendencies, maybe I am naive or maybe I hope too much, but there was no doubt in my mind that it was not cancer. I knew it was just a benign tumor. I just knew it. I guess over the years of my mom taking care of me, I have envisioned her as invincible. Moms don’t get sick, especially my mom. 

So, when my sister walked into my work today and told me mom has cancer, it seemed unreal.

I cried.

I called my family.

And I prayed.

It doesn’t seem real. Mom has cancer. My mom has cancer. I keep repeating it, but no matter how much I say it, it just doesn’t seem real.

Not just any cancer, my mom has Carcinosarcoma. It is an extremely rare cancer that is highly aggressive. She will begin chemotherapy in Utah at the beginning of October.

I don’t want my mom to be sick, I don’t want her to fight this battle. I want her to live to 192! That isn’t too much to ask, is it?

I feel blessed for the wonderful family I have. That we are all close and care so much for our mom. We are gonna help her fight and we are gonna make sure we win because Jones’ are awesome!


Life can change in a moment and sometimes it is out of our control and the only thing we can do is hand our lives over to God. We have all been praying and fasting over the past week for the results we wanted. No, we didn’t get what we wanted, but we will keep praying for the months that follow.


My mom is a beautiful, amazing woman and my heart aches that she has to go through the pain of cancer. Tonight, when she called to talk to me, it was her comforting me through my sobs. She kept saying, "I am going to be okay. It's going to be okay. I will be there for you because you're my baby girl." That is how selfless she is. I just kept bawling and telling her I was sorry. I am so scared. It is going to be a really hard year, but I know that it will bring my family even closer. Sometimes it takes sickness to make you realize what are the most important things in life.



Katie said...

I'm so sorry. I cried too when your sister sent out the text this afternoon to let us know. But your mom is feisty will fight and the Jones' are awesome and will fight and you will win. And we will do anything we can for you and your mom and your family! Love you so much. You and your mom will be in our prayers for sure.

The Hargrave Clan said...

I totally get this post. Let me know if you need anything. I love you

JACC said...

So lovely and cute

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