Friday, May 20, 2011

I dislike MEAN people

Pregnancy has done something to me. I can no longer tolerate anyone that is rude. To tell you the truth, I like the new me, I don’t take crap from anyone.


I went to the grocery store and was standing in line with my son. Some rude guy cut in front of me and put his toothpaste on the checkout line.

“Excuse me!” I said, picking up his box of toothpaste and placing it back in his hands, “We were here” I pointed dramatically to myself.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” he placed the toothpaste back down on the line.

“Oh right, you didn’t notice me, my son and my cart full of food?” I grabbed the toothpaste again and shoved it in his chest like a knife, “Well, do you notice us now?”

“I only have one thing” he said shaking his box violently in front of my eyes.

“And I have fifty things!” and I started to unload my grocery cart. I don’t think I have ever met such a mean person(I am referring to him). He looked at me with a smirk and proceeded to hand his stupid toothpaste to the cashier.

Oh he did NOT just do that!

“No!” I yelled, he was not going to win this battle, “I was here first!” I said to the cashier and for once those dang hormones worked to my advantage. My eyes filled up with tears and the lady reacted by glaring at the guy.

“Get in the back of the line sir” she said and then smiled at me sweetly, “Don’t you hate people like that?”

“Yes I do” I piped, “he was so very mean to me” and I left the store walking a little taller and slightly more confident with an overwhelming feeling of possessing super hero powers.

I even yelled at someone for not putting their cart back in the rack, “Hey You! Put your dang cart back!”

1 comment:

Alison and Troy said...

I totally felt like that when I was pregnant! WAY less tolerant. I like that you stood up for yourself. I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt like that!