Monday, May 9, 2011


Today Lincoln tested my patience.

He refused to eat until he had put deodorant on.

He refused to get dressed until he took a bath.

He refused to take a bath until he weighed himself and sat on the potty.

He refused to wear what I wanted him to because he wanted to wear his dirty outfit from the day before.

and then the tantrum began….

                   the hour long tantrum

                              the tantrum from hell

I dressed him and he screamed, kicked, hit, twisted and ran. It took me 10 minutes to button his shirt alone.

But I remained calm. In fact I laughed.

Then he followed me around the house screaming bloody murder and saying, “Help me! Help me!” and, “I’m dying! I’m dying”.

After 15 minutes of this I put him in his crib, turned off the light and shut the door.

He screamed for about 2 minutes and then everything went silent. I was relieved.

“Finally” I thought, “He has decided to be good.”

When I opened the door he had crawled out of his crib and was busy pulling his dirty outfit out of his clothes hamper.

He has never even tried to get out of his crib before!

So I put him back in his crib, while he screamed, “shirt! shirt! Shirt!”

I grabbed all his clothes and put them in the washer out of his reach.

He was busy screaming in his room, so I shut myself in the bathroom and began getting ready.

When everything went silent again, I decided to give him a few more minutes before I got him.

When I went to get him, he was not in his room.

He was busy grabbing his dirty outfit out of the washer from a kitchen chair!

So, I put him in time out again

and again

and again….

and after an entire hour he gave up!

Even though I won this war,

                     for some reason I feel like I lost.


Next time I am gonna let him be the smelly kid.


walkerbunch said...

I'm sorry Heather! Tantrums are no fun.

Maria said...

That is what I was thinking...pick your battles. Just let him be the smelly kid in the dirty outfit. He is cute enough to pull off that look :)

Heather Jones said...
